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Name: Bill Patterson

  • Bus driver for Arrowhead Transit 
  • Works out of the Cambridge garage, primarily drives the Cambridge Dial-A-Ride bus
  • Has nearly 30 years of experience in public transportation, including working for Metro Mobility and Heartland Express


  • What’s your favorite part of being a bus driver?
    • The freedom. As long as you come in and do your job, you are allowed to be pretty independent. And you meet some pretty cool people.
  • What skills do you think best help you perform this job?
    • People skills. I’m very good with people, but you have to be in this kind of work.
  • What are your hobbies outside of work?
    • Spending time with my family and watching Nascar.
  • What’s one interesting thing about you that others may not know about?
    • Generally, I’m pretty shy outside of work. That may be hard for some to believe because I’m so talkative with all of my coworkers and riders. 
  • What are your thoughts on being named Employee of the Month?
    • Unexpected but very appreciated. I can’t believe people think that much of me.
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