Public Transit to Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital
Arrowhead Transit provides convenient options to connect you to Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital in Grand Rapids, MN. Whether you’re a local resident or visiting from out of town, our bus routes offer reliable transportation to this hospital.
To schedule a ride or obtain additional information, call: 1-800-862-0175
Grand Rapids Dial-A-Ride
Available within Grand Rapids city limits
Dial-A-Ride Phone Number: 1-800-862-0175 (Option 4)
Operating Hours
- Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Sunday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Bus Fares
- $3.00 per ride
We appreciate everyone following our Bus Passenger Code of Conduct and welcome all to use our bus transportation services. Schedule a ride today by calling 1-800-862-0175. Learn more about purchasing bus tickets in advance. If Arrowhead Transit’s scheduled bus service does not connect with your preferred departure or arrival times, Connect With Us Directly.