Arrowhead Transit will not be operating on Independence Day (July 4, 2024).
Call Now: 1-800-862-0175

Safe, Affordable, Convenient, and Easy…

Easy Northern Minnesota travel with Arrowhead Transit.

You lead an active life, let Arrowhead Transit do the driving to your lunches, appointments and shopping. There has never been a better time to use Arrowhead Transit for all your public bus transportation needs!

We’ve got transit experts and online tools to make your ride easy!

Learning to navigate the Arrowhead Transit system doesn’t need to be complicated. Our Public Transit experts are available by phone at 1-800-862-0175.

Arrowhead Transit amenities make riding transit safe and easy.

  • Low-entry vehicles make getting on and off an easy experience
  • Security cameras ensuring a safe and secure system
  • Wheelchair lifts on all buses
  • Responsive team to keep you informed

Over 90 Pass

All passengers over the age of 90 are eligible for a FREE lifetime bus pass. More information can be found HERE.

Our Partners

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