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Serving Customers in North East Minnesota

Arrowhead Transit provides medical transportation for our customers in the North East portion of Minnesota. Our services are for non emergency medical appointments, dental appointments, therapy, well child appointments and more.

Most of our counties offer medical transportation services to our customers. We coordinate the ride with your schedule and tailor it to your needs. This is a one on one transportation service. 

Medical Transportation Services Covered by Insurance

Your health insurance provider coordinates these services and covers them under your health insurance policy. We work with your insurance company to schedule the ride and cover the cost of the ride. To schedule a call, let your insurance provider know of our services. View our service map to confirm that we service your county. 

The most commonly used insurance companies we work with, but not limited to, are: 

Our Customers

Our customers range from 4 years of age to 90. We are driving the young and their parents. We are driving the elderly when they can no longer drive or family can’t provide the transportation. We help families with special needs children and adults become more independent and get to therapy appointments or school.

We coordinate our program and your rides with your health insurance policy. Your insurance company will call to schedule the appointment. 

Typical uses of our specialized transportation services include: 

Our Drivers

We vet all our drivers on a yearly basis. We do a background check and driving record check each year. We understand the trust you are placing in our hands and we take this seriously. 

Where do We Provide Medical Transportation? 

Arrowhead Transit provides medical transportation services from all our locations. We serve customers in the North East region of Minnesota. From North Branch to Grand Portage, International Falls, Bemidji, and Brainerd. Serving customers in Aitkin, Carlton, Chisago, Cook, Isanti, Itasca, Lake and St Louis County.

To learn more about our public transportation services, you can check out our Dial-A-Ride options. You can also browse through our county schedules.


  1. Is this medical transportation service free of charge? No, your insurance company pays for this service. 
  2. Can I schedule this service? No, your insurance company schedules a medical transportation ride
  3. Does Medicare cover rides to medical appointments? Yes, Medicare covers medical appointments.
  4. What do I do if I need to cancel my scheduled ride? If you need to cancel, please contact your insurance company.
  5. How many people can be in the ride? Typically, there are 1-2 people in this ride. This is a ride for your appointment only, you are not sharing this ride with anyone other than your private party. 
  6. What counties/areas offer this? View the counties we serve. North Branch, Grand Portage, International Falls, Bemidji, and Brainerd. Aitkin, Carlton, Chisago, Cook, Isanti, Itasca, Lake and St Louis County. We do not offer these services in Pine County and Koochiching.
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